- Jade Oracle
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- Replacement Jade Oracle Guide Booklet (Cards sold separately)
Replacement Jade Oracle Guide Booklet (Cards sold separately)
This is the guide booklet for The Jade Oracle deck.
• One 3" x 5" Guide Booklet in English AND Spanish
Listen to our "Jade Oracle Pronunciation Guide" on Soundcloud!
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The Jade Oracle deck is a powerful divination set created by Veronica Iglesias & Anne Key and illustrated by Ramona Snow Teo. It features original artwork based on imagery in pre-hispanic statues, murals & codices. The Jade Oracle brings the wisdom of ancient Mexican symbolism to a new generation.
T H E • I N S P I R A T I O N
“These images would make an amazing oracle deck.”
We heard this phrase over and over after our presentations on the Goddesses from pre-Hispanic Mexico. But moments after the first time it was uttered, we knew that this would be a beautiful way to connect people to the deities and customs of a culture that we have given our lives to studying and practicing, a culture that is often misunderstood and little known outside of academic circles and initiates. A culture that is the heritage for many of us that live on the land and carry the ancestral DNA of ancient Mexico.
The sacred images of pre-Hispanic deities are very different than the sacred images of European culture, which we in America – and even Mexico – are far more accustomed to seeing. These images have unfamiliar symbols – green feathers, skulls, snakes, nose ornaments – and unfamiliar names: Xochiquetzal, Huitzilopochtli, Tecuciztecatl for example.
These sacred images and names open the door to a profoundly magnificent culture that reveres the connection of the earth and Her inhabitants, that celebrates the small and grand cycles – that infuses ritual and attention to the sacred in daily life.
B U I L D I N G • T H E • T E A M
Both holding advanced degrees in Mesoamerican studies and practicing priestesses, Veronica Iglesias and Anne Key could translate the beliefs and culture to a new audience, writing a divinatory meaning for each card. But to create an oracle deck, this project needed a visionary artist to design images that were true to their heritage yet inviting to the modern eye, and at some moment we both realized the one artist that we wanted to work with: Ramona Teo. Renowned for her graphic design, murals, and fine art, she was a perfect match for this ambitious project. Coincidentally, Ramona has a BA in Fine Arts with a focus in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican Art & Art History.
Then the two became three, and the Jade Oracle birthed from an idea to reality. This is truly a story about the interwoven paths from Oregon and Mexico City that converged in Albuquerque, New Mexico, bringing us together to make magic.
This project was successfully crowdfunded through Kickstarter and we are truly grateful for our supporters who helped make it happen.
A B O U T • T H E • C A R D S
Like tarot cards, the Jade Oracle is a spiritual tool used for divination and introspection. The difference is they are not structured by traditional tarot suits. Each card brings a new form to a universal archetype, giving us a window to our soul, a new lens in which to see ourselves. We named this deck The Jade Oracle because exquisite green jade was one of the most sacred stones in ancient Mexico, as the color represented the teeming bounty of life. The set includes 52 beautifully illustrated cards accompanied by a booklet that guides you through understanding the mythology and interpretations of the cards.
We feel that when we understand another culture, we understand ourselves in a deeper way and are one step closer to connecting with our global family and celebrating this magical land that we share. And for those of us with Mexican heritage, this is a path to understanding, and living, our lineage.
Explore a new path to the sacred...
Cards Includeded:
Names listed in Nahuatl / English / Spanish
Cacahuatl / Cocoa / Cacao
Chalchihuitl / Jade / Jade
Chalchiuhtlicue / She of the Jade Skirt / La de la falda de jade
Chantico / Guardian of the Home / La guardiana del hogar
Chicomecoatl / The Provider of Sustenance / La señora del sustento
Cihuacoatl / Snake Woman / Mujer serpiente
Cihuateotl / Divine Woman / Mujer divina
Cinteotl / Lord of Corn / Señor del maíz
Cintli / Corn / Maíz
Coatl / Snake / Serpiente
Coatlicue / She of the Serpent Skirt / La de la falda de serpientes
Copalli / Copal / Copal
Coyolxauhqui / She Who is Adorned with Bells / La adornada con cascabeles
Cuauhtli / Eagle / Águila
Huehueteotl / The Ancient One / El viejo guardián
Huehuetlatolli / Wisdom of the Elders / La palabra antigua
Huitzilopochtli / Left Hummingbird / Colibrí zurdo
Itzpapalotl / Obsidian Butterfly / Mariposa de obsidiana
Itzli / Obsidian / Obsidiana
La Gran Diosa / The Great Goddess / La gran diosa
Malinalxochitl / Flower in the Grass / Flor de malinalli
Mayahuel / Heart of the Maguey / El corazón del maguey
Mictecacihuatl Mictlantecuhtli / Lady and Lord of the Underworld / Señor y señora del inframundo
Nanahuatzin / The Man Covered in Boils / El buboso
Ocelotl / Jaguar / Jaguar
Ollin / Movement / Movimiento
Ometeotl Omecihuatl Ometecuhtli / Deity of Duality
Oxomoco Cipactonal / Primordial Couple / La pareja primordial
Quetzalcoatl / Feathered Serpent / Serpiente emplumada
Quetzalli / Quetzal / Quetzal
Tecuciztecatl / The Man of the Big Shell / El hombre del gran caracol
Temazalli / Sweat Lodge / Temazcal
Tezcatlipoca / Lord of the Smoking Mirror / Espejo humeante
Ticiyotl / Medicinal Arts / El arte medicinal
Tlaloc / Lord of the Rain / Señor de la lluvia
Tlaltecuhtli / Spirit of the Earth / Espíritu de la Tierra
Tlazohteotl / The Spirit of Divine Love / La del amor divino
Tochtli / Rabbit / Conejo
Toci Tonantzin / Great Mother / Nuestra abuela
Tonalpohualli / Ritual Calendar / Calendario adivinatorio
Tonatiuh / The Sun / El Sol
Tzitzimime / Star Women / Mujeres estrella
Uixtocihuatl / Lady of Salt / Señora de la sal
Xihuitl / Turquoise / Turquesa
Xilonen / Spirit of Young Corn / Espíritu del maíz tierno
Xipe Totec / The Flayed One / Nuestro señora el desollado
Xiuhcoatl / Turquoise Serpent / Serpiente de turquesa
Xiuhpohualli / Solar Calendar / Calendario solar
Xochipilli / Noble Flower / Noble flor
Xochiquetzal / Precious Flower / Flor preciosa
Xolotl / The Twin / El gamelo
Yacatecuhtli / The Guide / Señor guía